ROUNDTABLE: The Future of Careers in Golf

Careers in golf, over the last 10 years, have changed dramatically. And now, against the backdrop of a booming time for golf, the career conversation is getting people thinking.

Gather is here to fuel the conversation, by asking the difficult questions and digging for new insights and perspectives. This week in our next Gather Roundtable: Careers, we share these with you. through an intriguing discussion about ‘The future of careers in the golf industry' - featuring members from a diverse range of industry sectors: Amelia Lewis, Mark Addison, Richard Payne and hosted by Adam Keable.

Four members, one topic, real views.

Kicking off with a debate about “Are you excited by future career opportunities in golf?" the discussion moves through more thought provoking questions, leading to great discussions that unearth some surprising and encouraging insights, plus future solutions.

“More people are talking about a potential glass ceiling in golf being reached early in their careers. Do you think there are opportunities to change this?”

“Is the golf industry workforce too insular?”

“Do you fear leaving the golf industry?“

“Do you think it will be easier, or more difficult to recruit people moving forwards?“

“If a friend or family member said they wanted to work in the golf industry, what would you tell them?”

We hope you enjoy the discussion.




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