ROUNDTABLE: The Reality of Being a Female in the Golf Industry

As the Women's US Open gets underway, we're proud to present our first Roundtable discussion - 'The reality of being a female in the golf industry' - featuring Katie Burman, Charlotte Ibbetson, Sue Shapcott and Victoria Hassett.

Four members, one topic, real views.

Hosted by Charlotte, the conversation features starkly honest discussion, with some startling revelations. Despite some positive signs of progress in terms of diversity in the golf industry, it's clear from some of the anecdotes that we still have a long way to go.

The irony of three male industry professionals trying to drive debate and discussion around the experience of females working in golf isn't lost on us, but we hope that by moving the conversation forward we are taking positive steps forward.

Kicking off with a debate about what it’s like being female in the golf industry, the discussion moves on the question of career progression and the creation of more female leaders. Charlotte, Katie, Sue and Victoria also look at the R&A’s Women in Golf Charter, and what it means to them.

We hope you enjoy the discussion.


Gathering Roots Golf Club: Pt.1


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